Tender Hands (Limited Edition)

Tender Hands (Limited Edition)
A book all about human hands and the magic between souls. I have a everlasting love for human hands and I wanted to share the beauty of it with you guys. Lovingly curated by me, this book features sketches done by me during my hands study, photographs taken by me and quotes that are all related to hands, and how they play a part in expressing different kind of emotions between two people in love.
Every time I look at human hands gently interacting with another, or with simple ordinary objects, I see a delicate kind of beauty in it that can’t be described fully in words, but it brings me a certain kind of joy and I wanted to encapsulate that into a book that I could share with the world. From the sketches to the curation of everything, this took me approximately 8 months to complete and I hope you will appreciate this as much as I do!
Specs: 12.2cm x 17.36cm, 146 pages
Comes with a set of 8 photograph prints.